Invisible Fixed Braces (Incognito)

Invisible fixed braces, or Incognito braces, are known as invisible braces as they are fixed to the back, rather than the front, of the teeth. They offer similar advantages to fixed braces, the only difference being that they can’t be seen.

The invisible fixed braces that we use are 100% customised to each patient. Using the latest in orthodontic technology, these braces are perfectly fitted to each individual patient. Our Specialist Orthodontist at Better Smiles, Dr Jeremy Peak was one of the first orthodontists in the country to offer the ‘Incognito’ treatment, and has become very experienced in this technique.

To find out more about Incognito please click here

Suitability for invisible fixed braces

Incognito braces are often used to correct any minor alignment issues caused after previous orthodontic treatment. They’re often used for the front teeth only, rather than the whole of the top or bottom jaw.

Treatment benefits of invisible fixed braces

The obvious benefit to these invisible fixed braces is that they’re hidden. People will only realise you’ve got a brace if you decide to tell them, so they are perfect for patients dealing with the public or those who may be self-conscious.

As they are fixed to the back of your teeth, they remove any risk of damage to the surface of your front teeth. With fewer wires compared to conventional fixed braces, visits to the orthodontist will be less often.

If you’ve got a nickel allergy, the ‘Incognito’ brace is a great alternative as it made from gold.

Invisible fixed brace treatment experience

After the brace is initially fitted or adjustments are made, you may experience some discomfort. This will be short-lived and mild over-the-counter painkillers can help reduce any discomfort. Because they are on the inside of your teeth, your speech will take longer to adjust. However, our experience has been that after a few days our patents are able to adapt very well.

Achieving the best results

To get the best results from your ‘Incognito’ brace, it is important for you to follow any advice given by your orthodontist. The best results are achieved by patients who keep their appointments and look after their brace with regular cleaning, and avoiding hard or chewy foods that could damage the brace.

Looking after your invisible fixed brace

Although the ‘Incognito’ brace is one fixed wire, you can still damage it by eating hard, sticky or sweet food or drink, so it is best to avoid these.

If you damage your brace, contact us as soon as possible.